Week 10 Concept

Heath Nicholson

Effects of Media: Limited effects

The idea behind Effects of Media: Limited Effects is somewhat explanatory in its name. Basically, it is the theory that although media can persuade with logic, emotion, and credibility, we (the audience) are only willing to listen and be persuaded to a certain extent. Media’s effect on us is indeed limited.

I think it’s interesting that we limit our susceptibility to becoming influenced differs between different demographics. For example, I found an article in the New York Times which explains that the Middle East remains unstable. This is obviously an important issue, but with the 18 – 22 year old demographic that makes up UW-EC students this is not a “mainstream” issue. Whereas older demographics, such as my grandparents, have been paying close attention to this international news story. Our demographic has largely been distracted by the recent elections, which limits the amount of foreign affairs we read into.

Article: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/14/world/middleeast/syria-war-developments.html?_r=0

Week 10 Concept Definition

Effects of Media:  Limited Effects

Media is an interesting beast.  It influences the publics’ opinion of the topics it covers as much as its viewer influence the topics that the media covers.  This circle of influence can be related to the two step theory where media sources and information get passed through multiple channels and filters.  It is part of media that keeps it real.  If a story isn’t interesting it won’t be reported on.  However, at the same time the public can make their own decision on whether or not to listen to a news source.  For example, I have included an article about abortion and women’s rights.  Everyone has an opinion on this topic, so it is unlikely that the media is going to influence your position on such a major topic.  The media can only go as far and the public viewers are willing to be influenced.  I like the fact that there is a sort of check and balance system in place to keep media sources truthful.


Week 10 Concept

Rochelle M

CNN News

Effects of Media: Limited Effects

A Theory used when talking about Limited Effects in media: Audiences are stubborn and insulate themselves against contradictory messages.

I believe that an example from CNN News about 2 states legalizing pot, is a good example of Limited effects in media because it presents a pressing topic. Which has strong pro and con sides of the topic. In this article its headline reads.

2 states legalize pot, but don’t ‘break out the Cheetos’ yet

Now this shows that even though a state may have passed the act there are still federal laws that must be navigated through before citizens can legally buy and sell cannabis.

This is where I think it will really come out from the public, where they stick with what they no and are too stubborn to pass such an act. Also I do not think other states will endorse this topic because of some of the states being highly conservative.

Even though the topic of legalizing pot is on subject there will be a large part of the population that fall under the category of being stubborn and insulating themselves.

To read the entire story click here.

Week 10 Concept

Effects of Media: Limited Effects

By: Shelly F.

According to the Two-Step Flow theory, the messages of the media go from the media to opinion leaders to the general public.  Due to this progression the opinions of the individual members of the general public are directly shaped to their interpersonal relations to the opinion leader that they most identify with.  It’s like brewing coffee.  The water is the media, the coffee grounds are the opinion leaders, and the persons drinking the resulting coffee are the general public.  Before the water becomes coffee it has to pass through and be changed by the coffee grounds; the resulting coffee is then consumed by whoever swallows it.  In this way the original message is no longer “pure” because it has been “tainted” by the opinion leaders and then consumed by the general public.  If this theory is correct then the media has very few direct effects on the general public because it has to pass through a filter of opinion leaders.  An example of this would be the overturned gay marriage ban in California (http://www.heraldandnews.com/article_9e2e5fe0-2977-11e2-9350-0019bb2963f4.html).  Many republican opinion leaders would say that this is a degradation of the family.  While on the opposite side, many democratic opinion leaders would say that this is a step toward equal rights.  Their respective spheres of influence would cause their audiences to be divided into one of two schools of thought on the matter.

Week 9 Concept Definitions

Digital Divide, defined based on access to technology

The digital divide can be defined as a separation between people in society influenced by technology.  There are certainly different levels of digital divide from the segregation of different income levels.  At a higher income level you are more likely to have unlimited access to internet or news sources on a daily basis.  However they can be as small as the differences in how older generations use technology vs. younger generations.  I have included an article on the use of e-readers by different generations.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/digital-divide-young-and-old-differ-on-e-book-preferences-according-to-pew-study/2012/10/23/e4aea654-1cc6-11e2-8817-41b9a7aaabc7_story.html  I think all too often we forget to look at the less extreme side of any situation or in this case definition.

Week 9 Concept

by Heath Nicholson

Digital Divide, defined based on access to technology

The digital divide is the difference of availability between individuals or groups that are able to access information through technology. For example, the divide can affect businesses that may or may not utilize social media, cultural groups, and even different age groups.

In USA Today, an article by Jesse Washington provided a unique example of the digital divide. He begins by explaining the digital divide that existed years ago, when the internet started becoming more and more intrusive in our lives. At this point in time, Blacks and Latinos were on the wrong side of the divide – significantly less access to the new technology. Whereas now the technology is easier to attain for lower-class minorities, and they have similar access as upper-class individuals do.

One additional topic I found interesting was the idea of the “white flight” documented by Danah Boyd. The “white flight” refers to a large amount of the white population moving from MySpace.com to Facebook.com in 2006 and 2007. I thought this was interesting because this was roughly the same time many people I know, mostly white, switched to Facebook. Washington discusses both of these topics in-depth in his article and covers a lot of interesting information. It’s a long article – but I recommend looking through it!

Article: For minorities, new ‘digital divide’ seenhttp://usatoday30.usatoday.com/tech/news/2011-01-10-minorities-online_N.htm

Photo: http://www.tomorrowtoday.uk.com/wp-images/presentation_summaries/bridging_digital_divide.jpg

Week 9 Concept

Digital Divide, defined based on access to technology

By: Shelly F.

According to my understanding of Critical Thinking in Communications, the Digital Divide (based on access to technology) is the degree of effectiveness that different types of media have over their publics after the invention of the internet and its growing popularity.  The internet has shrunk the sales and messages of more traditional forms of media such as the newspaper, but those members of the audience (receivers) who do not want or do not have access to the internet do not get the messages on it.  An example of those people who want nothing to do with the internet would be those who believe that the internet causes cancer.  With new forms of technology being produced and older forms of technology still in use the different types of media through which a message can be presented has become much more diverse.

Week 9 Concept

Rochelle M

Washington Post

Digital Divide, defined based on access to technology

The gap between those individuals and communities that have, and do not have, access to the information technologies that are transforming our lives.

Example from the Washington Post


This is an article about a new survey that shows a generational gap among e-book fans. Readers under 30 prefer cellphones and computers. Whereas those over 30 like devices such as the Kindle. The Survey results show that teen readers were less likely to read an e-book than those older. An example of the numbers: 12 percent of respondents aged 16-17 have read a e-book over the past year, compared to the 21 percent for ages 18-24 and 25 percent for ages 30-39

This is a fair example of the growing digital divide among the generations. However the numbers are not significantly great they still show a digital divide between ages/generations while using technology.